Welcome to Words of Truth
If you have come this far, it’s because you have many unanswered questions and your steps were directed here by a higher will.
You’re looking for answers that you have not yet found to questions about the mystery of life and death, about why certain experiences happen or have happened to you, and you are now seeking the truth. This site was created with the purpose of offering you the knowledge that was given to us since 2017 and that is still given us. The knowledge that has been given to us is now given to you who reads, if you are willing to accept it and believe in it, because it is the Lord’s will to help you and because we have been told that now is the right time to start doing so.
Our role is to act as a link between heaven and earth, as instruments of the Lord to spread to as many people as possible the knowledge of the truth and of his love for us human beings. We were not chosen as instruments of the Lord for our merits, since like you all we make mistakes and continually strive to dominate our mind that leads us to make mistakes. We have been chosen by the Lord because, following a series of life experiences, we have made radical choices, and we have chosen the truth, whose assiduous research has characterized most of our lives.
The contact with our Lord is possible for every human being, regardless of religion, gender, culture or nationality. The Path of Truth is therefore open to all people who are seeking the truth, without distinction of any kind.
If you wish you are given the chance to find the way you lost time ago and to start a new life path in the name of truth and happiness. Find your path of truth and keep following us.
If you want to participate in our forums, write and share your mystical experience or ask questions to which you do not have answers, you can register on our site. Registration to The Path of Truth is of course free for knowledge is given to us free of charge and we offer it free of charge.
Wishing you to grow spiritually and in all that is right and true, we invite you to stay with us and follow us on Words Of Truth.
April 4, 2021
Words of Truth Messengers