Do our personal goals and what God wants for us coincide?
In life we set ourselves goals to achieve, thinking that their achievement can bring us happiness. Many times however, we are unable to reach them and we become bitter taking it out on God for not helping us. But are our personal goals also the goals of God for us? Do the goals we set to achieve in life coincide with what God wants for us? Let’s see the answer…
Do the goals we set to achieve in life coincide with what God wants for us?
“It is an articulated question, in the sense that if the goals we set ourselves coincide yes, otherwise no, because the goals we set ourselves can be the result of our ego and ambitions linked to personal affirmation, or rather exclusively to personal affirmation. Therefore, if our objective does not take into account the appropriate balance between the person and others, it does not coincide with that of God. In order to better explain, the balance between the person and others is referred to the balance between the one who has the goal and the people and the world that is close to him, and so if the working and the person’s actions are only addressed to his exclusive interest even at the cost of others and not caring how much he can do and be helpful to others. To the extent that an action brings harm to others, automatically it is not wanted by God.”