How to keep away the devil?
Praying is enough to ward off the devil? Some of our non-positive behaviors, thoughts, and attitudes can make us easy prey to demonic energies. Or it may happen that we are walking the right path or we are striving to…
Praying is enough to ward off the devil? Some of our non-positive behaviors, thoughts, and attitudes can make us easy prey to demonic energies. Or it may happen that we are walking the right path or we are striving to…
What is the cause of the concatenation of unpleasant events in life? Perhaps we happened to have lived or live at this moment a particularly negative phase of our life from which we don’t seem to be able to get…
If the indications do not come from God and are therefore offset, from whom do they come? In the last Celestial Words post we saw how to understand whether the indications that are given to us come from God or…
How do we tell whether the indications come from God or not? In our previous posts we have dealt with the topic concerning what is the right path for us and the signals that are given to us in order…
Does contact with God concern only a privileged few? Believing that contact with God is something that concerns only the Saints, the Elect or some privileged ones is a widespread opinion among men. In fact, in life, we often feel…
Can a person reach the contact with God and rise beyond the earthly state? In our everyday life we are so taken by the material aspects that the contact with God seems as something very remote and alien to us.…
Is it true that spiritual enlightenment and therefore the consciousness of the state of bliss can be achieved in our lifetime? It is the opinion of many that the state of bliss can only be experienced after our earthly life,…
Is there only one religious faith on Earth that holds the truth? On Earth there are currently many religious confessions, and often there are disagreements, controversies and even wars of religion that have characterized and that characterize the history of…
How to understand what our path is? Maybe we have the feeling that we are going along the wrong path, that our life has taken a direction that does not belong to us, and we would like to change our…
Do we already have a marked path when we are born? A question that we often ask ourselves is whether when we are born we already have a marked path, or if we ourselves determine our destiny and path on…