What prevents souls from reaching the Kingdom of Heaven? Why they might not be ready? What could stop them?
In the previous post we saw that not all souls of the departed people reach the Kingdom of God, and that some of them aren’t yet ready to reach it. But why not all souls reach the kingdom of God? …and most of all, what prevents them from reaching it? Let’s see the answer….
What prevents souls from reaching the Kingdom of Heaven? Why they might not be ready? What could stop them?
“The souls that do not attain paradise immediately, it’s because they either have to purify themselves or they are not prepared for death, as they haven’t lived with the idea of living after death, and therefore they are in a state of confusion, attacked by the demonic presences that try to restrain them. The prayers of the living serve to set them free by making them aware of their state and to see the light of the Lord.”