Is there a punishment for those who implement evil deeds and commit crimes, speaking of heads of state?
In the course of human history, powerful people at the head of states, nations, lands and kingdoms have sometimes made decisions based only on economic and personal interests, harming one’s neighbour and disregarding the welfare of others and life itself. We may wonder if there is a “punishment”, or something like that, after life on earth, for these people who have the power to decide and who make evil decisions. But let’s ask a question and see the answer…
Is there a punishment for those who implement evil deeds and commit crimes, speaking of heads of state?
“It’s not that a specific punishment exists, but by operating evil these powerful people become slaves of evil itself, and therefore they get lost and do not find salvation. Hence an evil action leads the person to perdition. But it is not God who punishes, it is the person who marries to evil.”