Are very rich people always to be considered negatively while very poor people are always right?
Today we are dealing with a topic never dealt with until now, which is that of money, how it is used and managed as a tool. Are very rich people always to be considered negatively while very poor people are always right? God doesn’t condemn wealth and those who are rich, if the gained profit is obtained honestly, in a legitimate way, and is used as a tool to benefit oneself and others who need it. But let’s see better what is the answer to our question…
“Is it legitimate and fair that some people have huge earnings and others don’t? “
“God is happy that his children are wealthy, but those who are wealthy by exploiting the work of others and in an illicit manner, are like those who aren’t wealthy because they have squandered the gifts they received. Therefore, gain is not always bad, and neither is always blessed the one who is poor.”