
Is the practice of fasting helpful for spiritual growth, and for getting closer to God?

dissolution and rebirth of abstract shape and confluent lines towards the center and then radiate outward in a kind of continuous movement of dissolution and rebirth

Is fasting really a way to get closer to God?

You have probably heard of the practice of fasting as a means of getting closer to God. It’s a practice often recommended to purify oneself and to help us growing spiritually. But is fasting really a way to get closer to God? Let’s see the answer…

Is the practice of fasting helpful for spiritual growth, and for getting closer to God?

“God is not interested in mortification.  Fasting and food restriction are helpful aspects insofar as they are accompanied by activities of prayer, and above all of spiritual evolution, because certain energies purify, but at the same time there must be a progression and a mental liberation, otherwise they are useless and do not get you closer to anyone.  Therefore, fasting is simply a means for you to purify yourself and to allow a better spiritual activity, but it has to be connected to another compendium activity anyway.”