Is there a possibility that we made the wrong choice, and therefore a separation is appropriate?
Today we will discuss a topic never dealt with until now, which is that of the family situation and peace in the family. In particular, our question concerns the choice of partner in a married couple and the separation of a couple. It happens very frequently, nowadays, that a couple separates, for reasons of different types and usually not serious, but solvable with the good will and commitment of both. But is it right to separate in this cases? Let’s see the answer…
With regard to the choice of spouse in a married couple’s relationship, is there a possibility that we made the wrong choice, and therefore a separation is appropriate?
“Almost never a separation is appropriate, because the difficulties that arise are such because they can be overcome in two, and therefore the not finding solutions together and not understanding the other is always a mental problem that remains in time, and therefore will always condition relationships.”